Anyone who is interested in 'spirituality', meditation, enlightenment or the truth about what you really are, is welcome in the Deep Presence Meetings.
The direct noticing of Awareness, Efforless Being or Presence is always the guiding principle.
Your true nature is simultaneously Being and Aware. Everything is an appearance in the nothingness that you are.
Time, space, all objects, thoughts, emotions, feelings and the body.
During our meeting, we invite you to determine this, without a doubt, for yourself.
There are surprisingly simple pointers for this.
In the Presence that you are, all stories, ideas and problems are seen for what they are: illusions, transient appearances.
The fact that you are independent of this appearance and do not have to take it personally, will present itself.
The realization of your true nature generates a brand new and completely free perspective; life shows itself in a new light.
Once seen, you can never really believe in the illusion of the separate person again, but the invitations to draw you back into the illusion are persistent and shrewd.
In the Presence Meetings we invite eachother to see through these shrewd invitations to be a separate person.
And to reaffirm the doubtless recognition of 'your' efforless Being.
In each Meeting there is space for everyone to investigate something together, to ask questions or to simply sit in Being, Presence, Awareness, Silence, Sunyata, or whatever you want to call it.